The Royal Norfolk 2nd Battalion was made ready for embarking to France on 10th September 1939 after orders were received. On the 13th and 78 vehicles under the command of Major E.C. Prattley embarked from Avonmouth for St Nazaire. The main body of the battalion, under the command of Lt.-Col E.C. Hayes, embarked from Southampton on the 20th in the Royal Daffodil and the Royal Sovereign for Cherbourg, arriving the early hours of 21st. The battalion left the billetts at the Commune of Pirmil on the 29th September and moved to Monchy-le-Preux, near Arras before its final destination near Rumigies on the Franco-Belgian border were they arrived early in October.



King George VI

During December the Battalion had many distinguished visitors, on the 5th the battalion lined the streets to greet King George VI, on the 16th the Prime Minister, Mr Chamberlain, the Duke of Gloucester and Mr Churchill paid them a visit.

Orders were received just before Christmas to move the battalion to the Saar front at Metz and this they did under extreme cold on Christmas Eve 1939. As `Cī Company were on long leave a company of the Dorsetshire Reg. were attached to take the battalion to full strength.

The march from Metz to the forward positions was treacherous as the temperature had dropped to 22 degrees Centigrade, it was so cold the antifreeze in the vehicles froze. After five days in these hardships they arrived at the front and relieved the 1 Black Watch. This period of time has been labelled the Phoney War as although officially at war with Germany neither side attacked in strength.


BlotterDataListIcon Maginot Line - Metz

BlotterDataListIcon River Lines - Belgium

BlotterDataListIcon Last Stand -Le Paradis

After Fance the 2nd Royal Norfolk Battalion was almost non existant but they would reform and come again in Kohima.



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