Prisoner Under The Rising Sun

We Go To College


The rest of us moved locally to what had been part of an agricultural training college for Javanese students. The guards here were strangely lenient and more or less asked us if we would like to do some essential jobs for them such as rebuilding fences and repainting gates belonging to a Japanese signals unit (each part of the college had a different purpose). Because of the nature of the college, there was an abundance of tools. We sometimes spent the day hoeing and planting, being fed at midday with cooked rice and offered fruit and drinks by the ''locals''. We were never threatened or told to hurry and at the end of each day always thanked by the Japanese officer. It was here that we were allowed our one and only message home. The set phrases allowed were ''My health is excellent, …being treated well'' etc.. We were allowed to write our message on a scrap of paper, then the Japanese typist prepared our card for us and returned it for us to add a few personal words. What happened to it after that, I don't know, although it arrived home a short time before I did.


The above card was found in my motherīs personal possessions after her death in June 1994 - Stephen P Evans.


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Surabaya to Seram - Via Ambon



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