Prisoner Under The Rising Sun

By Dakota To Singapore


It was decided that the best way to get us all to Singapore was by landing crafts and the sections were being formed when I collapsed. The medics decided that I should be flown back with another airman so that we could get some treatment quickly. I boarded the Dakota air ambulance and was able to see where we were going through a window. As we left Java I thought that I had never seen such beauty as the colours in the sea and at last I was free. We flew past Krakatoa and on to Singapore. I received all my injections and was installed with my friend in a camp with both Australian and British Army personnel. We received some Malayan money and my friend and I were able to purchase essential clothes. The next day we had a visit from a very important person, Lord Louis Mountbatten. He gave us a lot of information about the return journey to our homes and wished us God's speed and future happiness. He then moved on to his other engagements. I felt that I had not been forgotten. We had packets of cigarettes issued and now once again on our feet, we two RAF decided that we would take a visit to the new world. We were curious to see if it had altered during the Japanese occupation and also wanted to once again taste the excellent Chinese fried rice which we had eaten so many times before our imprisonment. Much to our surprise, we found that we could pay with our English cigarettes and could use them to barter for many things. Both of us were enjoying the pleasure of being able to walk where we fancied and know that we would be joining a ship at any time that would take us back to home and family. No more bowing to Japanese, no more wondering if we would be given our food ration, no more wondering what hard labour or punishment was awaiting us, and no more worrying if we would see our families again.




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