Aerial View2

Hong Kong

Map supplied by Geoff Coxon

Hong Kong had been ruled by the British since the treaty of Nanking in 1842. She was a duty free paradise, overlooked by China it flourished as an  Oriental Playground. In 1860 the Kowloon Peninsula was given to Britain. Britain then leased The New Territories in 1898 from China on a ninety year lease. This British Colony was flourishing untill the Japanese launched an all out offensive on December 8th 1941.


These pages are now split, to give a wider understanding to the

Fall of Hong Kong

 December 25th 1941


James McHarg Miller James McHarg Miller

At the fall of Hong Kong was sent as a POW to Japan and found himself on the Lisbon Maru by James McHarg Miller



12 Coast Regiment 12 Coast Regiment

Gun Postitions of the 12 Coast Regiment



Invasion of Hong Kong Invasion of Hong Kong

Early December 1941 the Japanese attacked the Colony of Hong Kong.



Stanely Barracks Stanley Barracks

To the memory of the officers and men of the 12th, 30th and 36th Batteries, 8th Coast Regiment Royal Artillery, stationed at Stanley Barracks.



Canadians in Hong Kong Canadians in Hong Kong

Paper by Terri-Anne



Lisbon Maru Lisbon Maru

The last journey of the Lisbon Maru, with over 1,800 POW´s on board was torpedoed and sunk.

This also includes a list of the British Troops who were lost.



USS Grouper USS Grouper

Launched the attack on the "Lisbon Maru" as  she carried troops and bore no sign that she was a P.O.W. Ship.



Lisbon Maru Roll Lisbon Maru Roll

A complete roll of those who died in the sinking ogf the Lisbon Maru



POW's Verse POW´s Verse

Under much strain and pain verse is born. Feelings are expressed when normally they are suppressed.





Further Reading




London Gazette 38190 London Gazette 38190

Operations in Hong Kong - From 8th to 21st December - By Maj-Gen C.M. Maltby



Battle For Hong Kong Battle for Hong Kong

Far Eastern Heroes Story



The Friendship The Friendship

The Friendship of Mickey and Spooner who survived the Lisbon Maru



Hong Kong Internees Hong Kong Internees

Far East Internees



Special Party Special Party

Movement of Officers away from Hong Kong by the Japanese



Cemetery and Memorials  Cemetery/ Memorials

Roll of Honour


Credit in supplying some maps, information and pictures to Geoff Coxon

Added more information, maps and edited by Ron Taylor


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Honorary Life Member of COFEPOW



Britain at War




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