
War Memories


L/Sgt Derrick Jackson

2nd Battalion

Coldstream Guards

Army No 2661590

This is not a military text book. Military histories of battles deal with military units and the way their generals manoeuvred them. They do not usually tell readers what the individual soldier saw, or did. I have not depended on the help of any person in my story, it is entirely composed of what I saw and how I felt during my service in World War II serving with H.M. Coldstream Guards.

I have had no experience in the writing of war books or any articles of war. My book is about my comrades in arms who fought by my side. All the details may not be fully acurate. Dates may not be exactly right as regards the various actions or battles but they are as I remember them from my experiences. If any reader sees it differently, I can truly say that this was how it looked to me.

I would like to pay tribute to the Regiments who I had the honour to serve along side during the duration of the war, especially to the Brigade of Guards, Land Adriatic and the Long Range Desert Group.Derrick Jacksons WWII MemoriesNorth AfricaLampedusaItalyYugoslavia

Training Training

North Africa North Africa - Operation Torch

    Long Stop Hill Long Stop Hill

    Kasserine Pass Kasserine Pass

    Days Before Victory in Africa Days Before Victory in Africa

Lampedusa Lampedusa

Italy Italy

    Crossing of the Garigliano Crossing of the Garigliano

    Road to Rome Road to Rome

    Battle for Mount Picolo & Mount Grande Battle for Mount Picolo & Mount Grande

Adriatic HQ Adriatic HQ

Yugoslavia Yugoslavia

I was awarded six medals on my return to civilian life.

1939-1945 Star

African Star (With clasp)

Italian Star

War Medal 1939-45

Battle of Britain Star

Defence Madal (London Defence)

I am proud to have served with the Coldstream Guards. They were formed in 1650 by General Monk at Coldstream in Scotland and was King James main body guard in London. The motto is "Nulli Secondus" which means "Second To None", the inscription on our badge, which is the Star & Garter Cross, is "Honi Soit Qui Maly Pence" which means, "Evil to him who evil thinks". Our present Colonel-in-Chief is Her Majesty, Queen Elizebeth. The Guards Regiments Colours are trooped every year on 6th June the Queens Birthday, on Horse Guards Parade, London. Since the war I have attended 29 of these parades, as a spectator as we get invitations through our Association.

I hope you have found my experiences interesting.


To those who did not return

Double Scroll Left God Rest Their Souls Double Scroll Right


Further investigations through records of the war were given with the help of:

Nuneaton Library

Nuneaton Evening Tribune

Coldstream Guards Association

Two of my Ex Guards army pals. Les Farns (Leeds), L/Cp John lngram, who were fortunate to survive the North African and italian Campaigns.

Thanks to these people who helped me to confirm dates and most of all I wish to thank Mrs Mary Sccinlon, who worked at Nuneaton Council House, in the Housing Dept, where I also worked. She typed most of my written work. Latter part of my story I typed myc'elf and I give apologies for my my bad typing and spelling, this was rectified when I had my complete book re-typed in correct form by my Guards Association, which is held by them until I decide if I want my story published.


Derrick Jackson 1975

My story took 5 years to write out and then be typed.

Many war books have been printed, and published, I was advised by local paper to write mine, as some of the incidents in it were accounted for during the war in local paper and the Daily Express. The latter being accounted for by Alan Moorhead who was the war correspondent who was on many occasions with the Allied Forces in North Africa and Italy. He sent many accounts to the Evening Tribune during both campaigns, also cut-outs from his paper which were published in local papers.

My wife Hilda, cut quite a lot from other papers which she kept, these helped me in many ways. Hilda died 1987-88, she was the `Best Wife in the World´ and I miss her greatly.

Out of Sgt Rundle´s Squad only eleven returned home.

D.L.H. Jackson Ex Coldstream Guard 2nd Battalion


This story was published on the internet February 2000. Derrick is now 86 years old. Sadly he is now Blind and suffers from Emphysema, since Christmas 1999 he has had a heart attack and has a pace maker fitted. He still lives in his bungalow near Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, where he is being lovingly cared for by his son and daughter-in-law.

John Green MBE, Ex Coldstream Guard


Derrick Jackson passed away in October 2000 after a long illness. Although I never met him, in putting his story on the Internet I came to know and respect him as a brave and courageous man.

God bless you Derrick, Rest in Peace, your story is told and your memory will live on.

Ron Taylor

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